
Tuesday, September 17, 2013

American Dream

The American pipe dream in Death of a Salesman and The pursuit of Happyness Journal Entry May 3rd, 2012 In English we atomic number 18 denotation the prevail Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller. The take over is virtually a man, Willy, chasing the American Dream as he sees it. Willy believes in modulate to chance on his dream; you essential conduct charisma and be surface liked. Popularity gear ups you hike up than sturdy work and dedication. We alike recently watched the movie The chase of Happyness, which is based on the genuinely same theme, that in the movie the main eccentric Chris chases his American Dream through hard work, values and determination. I found it interesting in the Death of a Salesman that Willys wife Linda enables Willy to start in denial believing that he was such a tidy salesman earning more money than he really did. Linda stood by Willy for long time and allowed him to exemplify to their children that you dont n eed to exhibit hard work and determination to achieve your prosperous dreams but preferably you needed to be very popular and very well liked in order to succeed. Willy doesnt believe that you have to rent hard and allow good grades; he mocks Bernard when he arranges to encourage Biff to study for the regents.
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Bernard says just because he printed university of Virginia on his sneakers doesnt mean theyve got to ammonium alum him, Uncle Willy. (Arthur Miller, pg 32).This angers Willy and he retorts What argon you talking about? With scholarships to three universities theyre gonna flunk him?(Arthur Miller, pg 33). Willy i s talking about Biff being good at football.! Willy doesnt think that having an education as a back that up is necessary because Biff is popular. When reading the play I get the feeling the author is trying to transfer a gist to the reader that the American Dream is deserve by everyone, but its not going to come to you. You have to earn it and achieve it. He uses Willys interpretation of The American Dream as an example to prove what could go wrong if you live your...If you want to get a in force(p) essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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