
Saturday, September 21, 2013

Frq 2.2

The American colonies of Britain were mainly ignored until 1763 after the S redden Years War. The war, which was started by colonists, rank Britain into debt. Britain, in ordered to bay off their debt, revoke the unofficial policy of salutary neglect of the colonies by offset signal enforcing laws that were already in effect and adding some. This included the British dark blue actively enforcing Navigation Laws of 1650 which stated that totally goods flowing to and from the colonies could except be transported in British vessels. To likewise collect baffled money from defending the American colonies, Britain enacted the plunder dress (1764), along with the lodge act and opinion Act (1765). Many colonists resented the Quartering Act, Stamp Act, and Sugar Act because it infringed on there believed rights. American colonists had started looking to republicanism, which would never have revenueation without representation, even if the colonists did give-up the ghost a b etter deal. To them also, the Quartering Act infringed on their cover by forcing them to house Redcoats in their homes. Due to resentment, the Stamp Act was repealed in 1766. In its place, parliament passed the Townshend Act in 1767, which put a small tax on clear lead, paper, tea, glass, and key fruit to show they still had control.
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With this act, along with the breakage of the legislature of new-sprung(prenominal) York in 1767, colonists felt their republican valuesbeing threatened and go along smuggling. This prompted Britain to mastermind over two regiments of troops in capital of Massachusetts in 1768, which th e colonists resented. A crowd began taunting! and throwing rocks and snowballs at a assembly of soldiers on March 5, 1770. Feeling nervous and provoked, the soldiers undefendable fired, cleanup position or wounding 11 civilians in what we know as the Boston Massacre. With smugglers convert the colonists that they were being oppressed, ennoble North was pressured into convincing parliament to repeal the Townshend Acts. However they unbroken the small tax on tea, much to the resentment of...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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